Snowballs, fight!!!
Available to download here:

4-Way Stretch fabric is recommended.
Hoop tear away stabilizer with one piece of minky fabric.

Stitch a face and trimming outline.

When everything is stitched, pause before the last seam - outline and lay the second piece of fabric.

Right sides together. Stitch the last seam outline, select the outline thread colors close the the fabric color.

Unhoop, cut out the shape, I used zig-zag scissors, but it may be just cut out and made a cuts into seam allowance every ⅓ inch

Gently tear away the stabilizer.

Now is time to give to future snowball the ball shape, you need to cut this triangle following the seam NR 1, so

Turn in through the hole

fill with a padding.. fill it tight

Pin the opening

Sew the opening by hands