It makes a fabulous last minute birthday party gift!
This design is sized for the 6x10 hoop. Looks like bought from shop and there is lining inside. No exposed seams. Completed 100% in the hoop. There is NO stitching over metal parts on the zipper.
Most popular ZIP ITH designs

NOTE: Sometimes you should pause machine, take out the hoop, but please, do not unhoop your project!
The backing is taped behind the hoop!
To make the Case You will need:
2 pieces green felt fabric size 4.5 inches by 5.5 inches
2 pieces of main fabric size 8x101 piece of main fabric cut to 2.5 inches by 8 inches
2 pieces of lining fabric size 8x101 piece of lining fabric cut to 2.5 inches by 8 inches
ZIP length 9 inches preferred
Ribbon 4 inches length
Medium weight tear away stabilizer
Clear Tape

Project Colors changes Pineapple leaves

Pineapple bag


Ignore the colors of the design. They are there to stop the machine while you proceed use the same color thread throughout making the entire design.
Prepare leaves
Hoop tear away stabilizer, lay one felt piece inside the hoop.

It is helpful to use the tape to make sure the fabric stays nice and flat while stitching.

Turn around the hoop to see the back side of the hoop

and attach the lining/ facing behind the hoop

Please ensure there is plenty of excess fabric around the perimeter. I am fixing the lining with a tape or pins.

Sew the applique fabric and lining tack down seams outline

Unhoop and cut out pineapple leaves.
Zipped bag stitching
Hoop only tear away stabilizer. If the decoration on the bag is dense i hoop double layered tear away stabilizer. Attach the hoop to the machine

Embroider the outline directly onto the stabilizer, below photo is illustrative, since in current project i stitched with white color

Stop machine, do not unhoop your project

Center and place zipper over thestitching lines.The zipper should be longer than the area and it will betrimmed later.

There are few important things:
- Lay the ZIP exactly in the center
- Lay it so the metal ZIP details are outside of stitching
- The ZIP is securely taped
- Set the zipper pull approx. ½ " outside of the purse outline
- Fix the zipper pull well with a tape
Below photo is illustrative to show how to fix well

It is helpful to use the tape to make sure the fabric stays nice and flat while stitching. Stitch the second color change of the embroidery design called Zipper tack-down, so the ZIP stays nice and flat while stitching.

Remove a tape, later it will be more difficult, photo below illustrative

BUT important is leave the zipper pull still taped, photo below illustrative

Place one little piece of MAIN fabric so the edge lines up with the upper stitch and covers it approx. ½", as shown in photo below. RIGHT SIDE DOWN

It is helpful to use the tape to make sure the fabric stays nice and flat while stitching. Sew the next seam COLOR NR 3 upper line
Stop machine do not unhoop, set the tacked-down little piece upside up shown on photo BELOW

Repeat same with the bottom part of the purse. Place piece of MAIN fabric so the edge lines up with the bottom stitch and covers it approx. ½", as shown in photo below. RIGHT SIDE DOWN

It is helpful to use the tape OR pins to make sure the fabric stays nice and flat while stitching. Sew the outline seam COLOR NR 4 bottom stitch
Stop machine do not unhoop, set the tacked-down main piece downside down shown on illustrative photo BELOW

Outline and decoration will be next, COLOR NUMBERS 5 and 6

FRINGED details
Turn the embroidery to the back side. Fringe designs have rows of satin columns - those are the stitches to work with to make the fringe.

Cut the bobbin stitch.

Turn the embroidery to the front side, and fluff the fringe with the point of a small scissors. Turn the embroidery back to the front side, and fluff the fringe with the point of a small scissors.

OPTIONAL! If tassels are too long you may make a “hairstyle” to short them.
Take the hoop out from machine, but do not unhoop your project

Turn around the hoop to see the back side of the project

Process is same as for the main fabricPlace one little piece of MAIN fabric so the edge lines up with the upper stitch and covers it approx. ½", as shown in photo below. RIGHT SIDE DOWN

It is helpful to use the tape to make sure the fabric stays nice and flat while stitching.

Sew the next seam COLOR NR 6 upper line
Stop machine do not unhoop, set the tacked-down little piece upside up shown on photo BELOW

It is helpful to use the tape to make sure the fabric stays nice and flat while stitching as shown below on illustrative photo

Repeat same with the bottom part of the purse. Place piece of LINING fabric so the edge lines up with the bottom stitch and covers it approx. ½", as shown in photo below. RIGHT SIDE DOWN

It is helpful to use the tape OR pins to make sure the fabric stays nice and flat while stitching.

Sew the outline seam COLOR NR 6 bottom stitch
Stop machine do not unhoop, set the tacked-down main piece downside down shown on photo BELOW

It is helpful to use the tape OR pins to make sure the fabric stays nice and flat while stitching. Sew the outline seam COLOR NR

Turn the hoop front side and remove the tape from the zipper pull
IMPORTANT Unzip the zipper halfway!!!
Do not forget to do that, since you will not be able to turn the purse right side

You may add ribbon as shown on photo below:

Please, see OPTIONAL SUGGESTIONS in the end of instructions.
Decorating with leaves
Lay ready felt leaves right inside the shape.

Leaves are bit wider than purse, so you will need to fold side leves inside the shape.

And secure with a tape again

There left few steps. Lay the third piece of main fabric right inside the shape

Please ensure there is plenty of excess fabric around the perimeter. Fix with a pins or tape. Sew the bottom bag line to tack down fabric COLOR 8, so they stay nice and flat while stitching

Take the hoop out from machine, but do not unhoop your project

Turn around the hoop to see the back side of the project
Lay the lining piece of fabric right inside the shape.

Please ensure there is plenty of excess fabric around the perimeter. I am fixing the lining with a tape or pins.

Sew the last tack down stitch outline, last color

When the design has finished, remove the tape, unhoop, and gently tear away the excess stabilizer.

Cut out the shape and make cuts in curves.

Then turn the detail through from the bottom hole. Turn right side by two steps.

First turn the detail through from the bottom hole as mentioned. Sew the opening, see image below:

Sew the opening inside the envelope by sewing machine and by hand.

Trim the stabilizer from the zipper before turning right side out.

Turn right side out from the zipper.

Another way to monogram purse, little difficult, but it is one if you do not have software.
1. Load the purse ITH design,
2. then load letter by letter to compose needed name using MERGE function on your embroidery machineYou should use Font, which is available for sale or installed to your machine, in this listing it is not included. But, if you have problems, contact me and i will try to help you
3. embroider until the first main fabric tack down will be complete (front of the PURSE) and stop machine, skip other steps until begin your custom name embroidery steps.
4. embroider name and stop machine
5. return BACK to the front of the PURSE fabric tack down step and continue with remaining basic instructions.
Ribbon or cord strap for carrying like on image below

Fold the ribbon in half

Lay right on top of the zip and tape the ribbon or cord ends. Continue with remaining basic instructions.